Game Changers – a Real Partner for a Real Problem

The assistance and advice of our partners are vital, enabling us to intervene in the lives of the youth before they enter the penal system, to mentor parolees before they are reintroduced to society, and to advocate for first-time offenders by partnering with district attorneys, courts, and judges to provide an alternative to jail time. This helps us to increase our resources in the types of programs we offer and allows us to greatly increase the number of people we help.

You can help us reduce the recidivism rate in Georgia, which has the nation’s 5th highest prison population, with more than 53,000 people incarcerated.

If your organization is interested in partnering with the Game Changers Re-Entry and Mentorship Program, please contact us at [email protected] or complete our new online form.

Our services include, but are not limited to:



Game Changers Counseling Services encompasses individual therapy, group therapy, and life and family coaching.  Read more…



Game Changers Education program empowers clients to achieve personal and professional goals;   Read more…



Game Changers Employment Services Program is designed to equip job seekers with the skills necessary to obtain employment;    Read more…



Game Changers Family Services program helps to reconnect clients with their loved ones by facilitating parent-child relationship counseling;   Read more…



Game Changers along with several of the it’s partners seek to reduce the impact of recidivism by providing medical screenings to its mentees.  Read more…

Housing Services

Housing Services

GC Housing seeks to match mentees with supportive services to stabilize them after release.  Read more…

Mental Health

Mental Health

Many people with mental health and substance use disorders continue to lack access to services and, too often, become enmeshed in a cycle;  Read more…



Game Changers Mentorship Program focuses on developing a long term mentee-mentor relationship. Let’s be honest, reentry is not easy.  Read more…

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Game Changers Substance Abuse Program takes a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse.  Read more…