Cobb County District Attorney’s Office Welcomes Game Changers Re-Entry and Mentorship Program
Cobb County District Attorney’s Office has a new partner. The Cobb County District Attorney’s Office (DOA) welcomed Game Changer Re-Entry and Mentorship Program as a partner with its Pretrial Diversion Program to assist in its fight against recidivism in Cobb County, GA. Participants in the Pretrial Diversion Program will be given the opportunity to be a part of a strong community-based mentorship program in Game Changers. The program has the potential to change the lives of its participants as well as the lives of their loved ones. The program offers counseling, including group and individual therapy, life, and family coaching; mentoring with licensed and certified mentors who provide guidance, direction, and resources; work readiness resume writing assistance and computer classes, among other services; parent-child relationship counseling and family counseling sessions, with the goal of reconnecting clients with their loved ones.
The partnership between the organizations will be a value add to Cobb County and the surrounding areas.
The Pretrial Diversion Program was created pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 15-18-80 as an alternative to prosecution for certain offenders in the criminal justice system as a part of District Attorney Flynn D. Broady, Jr.’s Restorative Justice Initiative. The program is designed for low-risk and low-need offenders who have committed crimes that did not result in serious injury to a victim, or who have committed crimes involving family violence. The program is designed to provide education, counseling, treatment, and community service alternatives to individuals in the criminal justice system, while at the same time ensuring restitution is provided to the victims of these crimes. (Cobb County, “PreTrial Diversion”,